Reading Configs

Once you have defined your configuration schema and values, you can read them in your application. TypeConf provides a simple and type-safe way to access your configurations.

Basic Usage

To read your configurations, use the readConfigFromFile function:

import { ConfigType, readConfigFromFile } from 'your-config-package';

const config: ConfigType = readConfigFromFile('path/to/config.json');

The readConfigFromFile function returns your configuration object with full type safety based on your schema.

Type Safety

One of TypeConf's key features is complete type safety. Your IDE will provide full autocomplete and type checking:

const config: ConfigType = readConfigFromFile('path/to/config.json');

// TypeScript knows the exact type of your config; // ✅ Type safe
config.nonexistent; // ❌ TypeScript error

Using with Different Frameworks

TypeConf works seamlessly with various frameworks and environments. Check out our framework-specific guides: